Provider Information

Man in a white coat sitting and looking at computer screenOrdering a Test

The NUNM SIBO Center Lab has expanded our offering of SIBO breath tests to include both lactulose and glucose in order to give our providers the full range of options currently available for evidence-based SIBO breath testing.

Interpreting Results

Currently there is no universal standard for interpreting breath test results. Our standard for reporting test results is based on the manufacturer’s guidelines and research-based evidence in the literature.

Doctor pushing on man's stomachTreatment Options

The NUNM SIBO Lab is unable to offer specific treatment advice. Treatment for SIBO can be a variety of things, from antibiotics, to herbal supplements, to the elemental diet, all depending on what you and your patient choose as the best course of action.

Woman looking at machine and pressing buttonAnalyzing Samples

Detection of SIBO using the lactulose breath test is done by measuring the levels of hydrogen (H2) and methane (CH4) gases using a BreathTracker SC analyzer (a machine manufactured by Quintron). These gases are produced by bacteria in response specifically to the lactulose or glucose substrate.

SIBO Testing

The SIBO Lactulose Breath Test used by the NUNM SIBO Lab is manufactured by Quintron. Breath tests for SIBO have been reported to have greater reliability and acceptability than the blood test.


There are many SIBO specific resources available that include information about nutrition and diet, treatment strategies, analysis and interpretation details, and research. If you have found a particular article or resource useful, please share it with us.