

SAMPLE Lab Report (results)

Lactulose information – from Vistapharm (manufacturer)


Dr. Allison Siebecker’s SIBO page: This website hosts a wealth of carefully curated information about SIBO including SIBO symptoms, associated conditions, treatment options, studies, diets, etc.

SIBO Symposium: Did you miss the symposium?  Recordings of the presentations are offered through NUNM Continuing Education.


Diagnosis, Interpretation, Treatment

An evidence-based treatment algorithm for IBS based on a bacterial/SIBO hypothesis

Fasting breath hydrogen concentration: normal values and clinical application

How to interpret Hydrogen Breath Tests

How to test and treat small intestinal bacterial overgrowth: an evidence-based approach

Implementation and interpretation of hydrogen breath tests

My hydrogen/methane breath test was negative, how can I still have SIBO?

SIBO: Dysbiosis Has a New Name

Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth: roles of antibiotics

SIBO: the finer points of Diagnosis, test interpretation, and treatment

About SIBO Testing

Hydrogen Breath Testing

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)


Methane, a gas produced by enteric bacteria, slows intestinal transit and augments small intestinal contractile activity.

Microbial pathways in colonic sulfur metabolism and links with health and disease

What are the effects of proton pump inhibitors on the small intestine?


Helfogott Research Institute: Multi-Biomarker Exploration of SIBO

Cedars-Sinai: Pimentel Laboratory